Connect Platforms | Connecting Your Ad Accounts

Navigating the Interface

Felipe Laciar

Last Update hace un mes

To effectively leverage our AI Tool for your ad campaigns, you'll need to connect your existing ad accounts. This guide will walk you through the process of connecting your ad accounts to our platform.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Log into your account
  2. Click on the Connect Platforms tab
  3. Look for the platform you’re interested in and tap on "Connect"

  4. Enter your ad account platform credentials
  5. Confirm the ad account/AI Ads connection (all boxes should be checked)
  6. Click on "Select Ad Account" to choose your ad account
  7. Click "Done"


  • My Facebook page won’t show up? Refer to this article to fix this issue.
  • How can I manage clients ad accounts? If you want to manage your client’s accounts through your own Business account, refer to the specific article from each platform to do so. You can do this in:
  • I need more help! If you encounter any issues during the connection process, consult our platform's help center or contact our support team for assistance.

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